If you are a "Deplorable" by Hillary Clinton's standards, our work is only half done.
Unless Donald Trump has all the help he needs to keep the promises he's made to us, he won't get there from here. He will not be able to affect the change we all are so desperate to see. So we have to do our part to help him get America back for us, for our families and for our children.
Look at the Congressional Approval polls. As of this morning, nearly 80% of Americans questioned about the job Congress is doing said "it's crap", or words to that effect.
Because WE the American People, keep putting back into office the same people to do the same thing - feather their nests at the expense of ours. We, the American people, have got to wake up and take responsibility for our nation back. Which means we have got to stop doing what we've been doing and expecting a different result.
I can't speak to other states, but the two Senators from California, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer were both first elected in 1992 and 1993, respectively. Given that they've been drinking the water and sucking the wind in Washington for nearly a quarter of a century, how in touch do you think they are with the people in their state?
I can answer that: they're not.
They are owned, lock, stock and barrel by the donors and special interests. They do NOT have the people's interests at heart or put them first. No. They owe those donors and special interests and do their bidding, not ours.
The same can be said of our State Representatives - most of them of been in office for multiple terms. Look at Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House when Obama Care was causing such a ruckus. She deliberately ignored the will of the People, famously said, "You have to read the bill to find out what's in it", and got that bill passed - even though the majority of Americans said "NO!"
These people, and others like them around the country, have lost touch with the very people who put them into office the first time. These people have got to go if we hope to have one single little chance of putting things right again.
Yes - there are exceptions - a handful. Like Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee, Darryl Issa from California (of all places!), and Trey Gowdy.
We HAVE to fix this. WE, you and me and the rest of us Deplorables, have got to put into the House and the Senate people like Donald Trump, people who will support Trump in the policies he wants to put into place and the Justices he will nominate to the Supreme Court.
If we don't do this, if we do not throw out the vast majority of current incumbents in both the House and the Senate and elect people who are as desperate to get America back to the Constitution and back to what it should be, Trump will enter the Oval Office with both of his hands tied behind his back. He will not be able to get even half of what we want him to do, done.
So - don't just vote for Donald Trump. Do that, but also do your homework. Identify those people who are on the ballot in your state and district who hold the same ideals as the rest of us Deplorables. Vote for them, and encourage all of your friends and family to do the same.
Let us, the American People, take this country back from the Elites and the Donor Class - but lets do it 100%.
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