America is divided again on July 5th. Half of us are horrified by what the FBI did, and half of us are breathing a sigh of relief.
What if, though. What if this was a calculus by Comey and the FBI to...
1) Avoid an indictment and prevent Obama from pardoning her, leaving open the door for a future indictment.
2) Continues the speculation about what was in those emails and how damaging they might have been to our national security.
3) Make Trump look at least a bit more honorable when compared to a woman who has already proved to be unable to keep a secret. One of the digs against Trump is that he has a big mouth that runs away from him.
People don't like either of them with good reason. The primary difference is that Trump is a relative newcomer when compared to Hillary who's been an unpleasant wart in public view for more than thirty years.
After all, this is a woman who aided and abetted her husband's repeated abuse of women, calling the victims "bimbo eruptions". Yeah, that's presidential.
Back to Comey because she's disgusting and now she's been given a pass by someone widely thought to be a "stand-up" guy. That reputation is now under a gigantic question mark, but what if.
One thing that Comey didn't touch today is the Clinton Foundation. Could this be the tax evasion equivalent that brought Al Capone down?
Back then, in the twenties and thirties, the Feds had a whole lot of circumstantial evidence that Capone was involved in bootlegging and murder and extortion. Still, it wasn't until an accountant discovered a lapse in Capone's tax return that they were able to nail him and throw his sorry ass in jail for a good long time.
Maybe that's the design here. Pass on the Big One and focus on the apparent lesser evil that will be easier to prove.
I hope so. I really, truly hope so, because as a former government contractor, knowing the serious consequences of saying the wrong thing in the wrong way at the wrong time and place, today's lack of action is shocking. Hell - as a government contractor I wasn't supposed to be on Facebook or any other social media outlet in case I might be compromised. That was SOP at my employer and was a terminable offense.
No matter what else, this strips any pretense away from "justice". There is none. If you're Joe or Jo Sixpack, you're toast if you jaywalk. If you're a political hotshot, you can do anything you want and you'll be given a pass. That is the worst of it. Today has proved there is no "justice for all".
Oh well. This is another case where time will tell.
If Trump becomes President, I pray he will reach back and prosecute this woman to the fullest extent of the law. If she becomes President, this country is well and truly screwed. Law will have no meaning, national security classifications become a total joke, and non-disclosure agreements have no weight. Edward Snowden can come home and not face a single charge because of the precedent laid down today.
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