This is so weird. So... icky but so funny, too! Even if it is in bad taste (with which conclusion I'm inclined to agree).
Maybe it's my American-Puritanism showing? That might well be because most of the rest of the world seems to get less "weirded-out" by stuff like what's coming. And, given the context of what is coming, that sounds so darned wrong.
I was (dare I say it given what's coming next?) nosing around YouTube for yesterday's post when I came across this:
Maybe it's just me, but it was so over the top, so... strangely offensive, that I couldn't stop watching. Then I started smiling and giggling like a seven-year old boy does at potty humor. I snickered and watched the ad through to the conclusion. My eyebrows hit my hairline a time or two, but I was still more amused than put off. Then I actually watched it again.
It's a crude topic, but whoever developed this ad campaign is a genius because I work in a shared office with a single loo. We have situations where one of us will... uh... yeah - do this and then try to cover up the evidence with vanilla and cinnamon scent. Or there's the unapologetic Lysol spray that brings tears to the eyes of a normal human being. In either case, we almost invariably all end up with that peculiar sweet and stinky flavor in our olfactories.
Going with the less is more theory of things, when I'm done and if I spritz (but of course I never do), I keep it short and... uh... sweet. I'll open the door to the outside of the building while I wash my hands (yes, we do have an inner door and an outer door because that's the way our building was built). Still, it is an awkward and uncomfortable situation, even though all of us know we all do it at one time or another.
To find something like this, presented with such good humor, is a bizarre kind of blessing. After all, have you never been in a situation where you don't want to be, one in which you've done your "thing" and everyone else knows it?
Now I didn't know this product existed before yesterday. I discovered it when I came across the ad at the beginning of a video I wanted to watch. 99.999% of the time, I'll click those ads off as soon as I can, but this one, by the time the ten seconds or however long the intro lasted before the video would start, had me hooked. Jaw agape at the subject matter, the overtly subtle wording - nothing really "crude" but a clear meaning of what was being offered - and I watched the whole thing.
Then I looked at one of the others - which was done as a music video and was less... appealing(??? Did I really just say that in relation to this???). From there, I found the Santa video - which is even funnier, I think, than the first one.
I guess having a good message for your product does matter because while I'm not rushing over to Amazon to buy it because, of course, I don't need it, I am writing a post about it and more of that product might sell. I hope it does. And I hope whoever buys it uses it and I never have to walk into a public loo that smells like that 300 cow dairy ranch.
Doncha just love capitalism? Build a better mousetrap...
Have a lovely day!
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