I have seen and heard several examples of arrogance in the
past twenty-four hours. I’m not looking for it, or paying attention. Today I
spent most of my time writing and posting one of my stories up on WriteOn. I
played Farm Heroes and Bubble Witch. I didn’t sit in front of the television
and watch or on my computer and browse. These things just popped up.
On Scribblers, one person declared Friday’s Planned
Parenthood shooting a “terrorist” attack, even though no one from the police,
FBI or media had or has called it that. That declarative statement is pretty
arrogant – an ‘I know what no one else does’ declaration.
This morning I was watching CNN while I fixed and ate my
breakfast. They were talking about the Syrian refugees and the fact that a lot
of Americans don’t want people who might include a small subset of violent
people to be let into the country without proper vetting. Our State Department
and FBI and a bunch of other law enforcement and security agencies have warned
the government that we can’t vet these people because the systems aren’t in
place to do it. Yet, because the Republicans in the House and Senate want to
slow the process down and make sure we take reasonable precaution, one of CNN’s
talking heads declared that “the GOP is jingoistic”. What? That’s a trait exclusive
to the GOP and no one on the left is? No one registered as a Democrat sees the need to check these people before we let them into our country? Nope. Apparently not because this individual seems to know what is in the hearts and minds of everyone
who happens to affiliate themselves more closely with the GOP than the
Individually, these are small things but they’re coming more
often and it’s disturbing if you think about it. It adds to the mind and
thought control – you must think this way or you’re “evil” – and divisive
nature of discourse.
The Scribblers comment obviously wasn’t considered. It was a
word that’s in common use and the larger underlying meaning wasn’t taken into
consideration when it was used. However, is anyone who does something evil
automatically going to be labeled a ‘terrorist’ from now on? What about the declarations made by some in the Black Lives
Matter group?
"Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!" was one chant that was quickly and deliberately ignored by the leftwing media. Searching for the following clip, only Fox seems to have carried it on their broadcast.
Another was "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want 'em? Now!"
That was a few months ago and the liberal media rushed to cover it up - whitewash over it -
and it’s been a while since we’ve heard about that, but the declaration was
made – why wasn’t that labeled a “terrorist threat”? Or if that’s not palatable,
how about a less powerful label – “hate speech”?
Oh! I know. Like duh! It’s because it was uttered by some black Americans.
Because the vocal minority insists that the rest of America “owes”
something to blacks for historic events that took place more than one-hundred
fifty years ago. African Americans get a pass. They can do and say anything and
white Americans are supposed to look away and not comment because, since we
happen to have been born with white skin, we’re supposed to feel guilty.
Now that raises, in my mind, the question of where is the
equality in that? If people – an individual, a group or a segment of society
wants to be respected and treated as an equal, they have to abide by the same
rules and meet the same standard as everyone else, or they’re not equal.
The CNN comment is just another example of the arrogance of
American media – and it is not restricted to the “left” outlets – NBC and its
subsidiaries, ABC and its subsidiaries and CNN. It also includes Fox News which
has an agenda all its own.
They suppress stories and “Fair and Balanced” is nowhere in
sight anymore. Listen to their talking heads and it’s all a very rightwing
I’m not looking for this stuff. I have other things to do,
other things I’m thinking about. But it’s just popped up into my awareness
which tells me that it’s probably happening a
lot if I were to pay attention.
So what does it mean? I don’t know, but it is worrying.
We have a President who advocates special treatment of black
over white and giving a pass to black people.
Remember Ferguson? Obama came out and added his voice to
those declaring the cop was in the wrong. But when black people started rioting
through the streets, burning businesses and wreaking havoc, nothing was said by
our “leader” or his Attorney General, Eric Holder. In the end, the evidence
showed the officer was well within his rights to shoot Michael Brown since Brown was trying to get the officer's handgun and he was afraid for his life and was
defending himself. Obama spoke out against the shooting but was deafeningly silent on the rioters.
It was the same with Baltimore, and the same with Trayvon Martin
in Florida. Obama didn't wait for the evidence in either case. Black person assaulted by white? Don't wait for the investigation. Don't wait until the evidence is in. Just declare the light skinned person was in the wrong and the dark skinned people
who are burning cities are just fine. Persecute the light skinned person but
give the darker skinned person a pass, no matter what they did.
Now understand me here. I look at people as people. I do not
care one whit what color of skin or eyes or hair they have. I look at their behavior - what they do and how they act.
Personally, I think Barack Obama is a dangerous incompetent
who looks on the presidency as an on-going golf vacation.
I think John Roberts is a manipulated fool, a tool of the
left who hasn’t the first foggiest clue about what his role on the United
States Supreme Court is supposed to be.
I admire, greatly, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Alan Keyes,
and J.J. Watt.
I despise Hilliary Clinton and John Kerry. Two more
unqualified people would be hard to find. Their positions are purely and simply
the result of political award ceremonies.
In the case of Hilliary, I am utterly convinced it was a conversation between her and the Democrat party back in 2007 that went something like:
“Drop out of the presidential race
and let the black guy win, and you can be Secretary of State. Then, in a few
years, we (the DNC) will do everything we can to put you into the oval office.”
"Oh, okay."
To distill this further, anyone who expects, demands or
promotes special treatment of one group over another warrants my disgust.
Anyone, an individual or a group who promotes or advocates special treatment of
one group over another is destructive and ensures equality will never be
Unfortunately, and worrying to me, is the fact that the
divisions appearing in this country are growing and I don’t know that anyone or
anything can stop them from spreading. Every time I turn on the “news” – the talking heads who
offer opinion and commentary instead of reporting – it’s obvious. Just listen
to what’s said, how it’s phrased the meaning of the words spoken.
What we need going forward is honest conversation, respectful and a clear understanding of what is 'fair and balanced'. Otherwise we'll have to get a boatload of epoxy filler and hope it all holds together.
Think before speaking and stand up to correct those who create division - if we start small, we can move mountains!
Have a lovely day.
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilippaStories
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