For decades, what I think of as the Chicken Little Brigade has been running around screaming 'The sky is falling! The sky is falling and we're all gonna die!'
First, in the 1970's, it was because we were all going to freeze to death. There were articles in prominent magazines about the coming ice age in 1974 and 1975. In fact, the first Earth Day was held to bring awareness to global cooling. I kid you not! Do some Google searches on global cooling.
Then, in the 1980's, it did a 180d change. Suddenly the Chicken Littles were declaring that we're all going to cook to death.
Either way, the alarmists have been doing all they can to scare people to death over what has become 'climate change'. That term, Climate Change, is their insurance policy against whatever happens. If it gets warmer or if it gets cooler they can point to it and say, 'See? I told you so!'
Through all of these years, these Chicken Littles have been trying really hard to make all of us afraid of doing anything - even breathing, burping and passing wind - and this is the best they've got:
Ocean and atmospheric conditions over the tropical Pacific Ocean in August 2015 had characteristics of a strong El Niño, according to a report released this week by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The WMO said the majority of climate models and experts expect that El Niño will continue to strengthen through the rest of 2015, peaking between October and January. At its height, this El Niño could be among the top four strongest events on record since 1950, the WMO said.
The last strong El Niño occurred in 1997-98. Since then, there has been a reduction in the amount of Arctic sea ice and Northern Hemisphere snow cover, which introduces another factor in what to expect.
David Carlson, director of WMO's World Climate Research program said, “We have had years of record Arctic sea ice minimum. We have lost a massive area of Northern Hemisphere snow cover, probably by more than 1 million square kilometers in the past 15 years. We are working on a different planet and we fully do not understand the new patterns emerging."
"We have no precedent. Climate change is increasingly going to put us in this situation. We don’t have a previous event like this," he said.
Excuse my language but I just can't help myself - WTF!???!!!
Are these people seriously suggesting that we all get ourselves knicker-knotted and panic stricken over a lousy sixty-five - 65 years worth of hard, hands-on data? Are you kidding me?
Yeah, well they got one thing right in that article. They are definitely on a different planet.
Hello! McFly!!! Get a clue, here. Of course you don't have a previous event like this, you moron!
The planet is, like, 4.54 BILLION years old and you're looking at 65 years of data and making sweeping, life-changing decisions based on that?
They are talking 65/4,500,000,000 and we're supposed to be worried?
Do these idiots have no idea at all what a pimple on the bacteria on the pimple on a gnat on the pimple of the elephant that is?
And they are shouting from the rooftops that we should all stop living and breathing and eating and doing what we do because of 65 lousy years of data? Really?
Okay, deep breath. Zen movement (hands pushing down, eyes closed, breathing deeply). I'll cut them some slack. I won't consider the age of the planet because it wasn't always as it is now. So... let's say... 175,000,000 years. That's when the Pangaea super-continent broke apart.
Pangaea had animals and plant life on it. We know that because of the dispersal of the fossils and some plants and animals. When Pangaea broke up, the species were carried away from each other and developed into new critters, some with the same characteristics.
Still, as a percentage, 65/175,000,000 = 0.000003714285 years and, based on that, we're supposed to get excited by 65-years worth of hands on data? We're all gonna die because we have 0.0000003714285 year's worth of information?
All I can do is shake my head at that.
So let's bring it closer to home. Let's say the Bronze Age. That's a good place to start. There were people. They'd been around for centuries because the Bronze Age came after the Stone Age and Iron Age, so it's a good place to start if we're going to get excited about this stuff. People were building fires. People were using those fires, pumped with air, to get it hot enough to melt metals into compounds like bronze (why it's call the Bronze Age). That's about 2,300 B.C. - or 4,300 years ago.
65/4,300 = 0.01511 - so still less than zero year's worth of data. That is one 1/150th of a year.
Do you realize what that means?
It means that we are basing all of our decisions, all of our lives on the equivalent of five days worth of data. That's like planning our lives and our existence for the next one hundred years on the five day forecast from your local news station for crying out loud!
Sure. Good idea. Let's disrupt our lives, our existence for this.
My guess is that either these people smoked too much weed in college or they figure we're all incredibly stupid. And, given the lack of respect the Al Gores and Bobby Kennedy Jrs have for the American people, I go with they think we're all incredibly stupid. And, unfortunately, in many cases they're right, absolutely 100% spot on correct because so many people have swallowed this hook.
You do know why they're promoting this, right? You do understand why they're making these wild declarations on far less than zero information, right? And, for the record, that is not an exaggeration. 0.01511 years is FAR less than zero. It is several decimal points less than zero.
And, as it always is, it's all about the money, honey.
If they were honest with us, as in dead-straight honest that there is no serious threat from global warming or climate change or whatever they'll call it next, their grants, their fees and all of the rest of it would evaporate overnight.
They are running a scam - the biggest freakin' scam ever envisioned by human beings and you and are I the unwitting and, sometimes unwilling, marks.
Now, if you think I'm full of it, fine. Go right on ahead, but I suggest you check out the following on your own:
Follow the link to the article and read it. Then do whatever research you want to do to try to debunk what I've said here.
I know the truth because it's right there, right in front of me from their own words.
Ya know... I think I'm gonna fire up that charcoal barbecue this weekend and have a fine ol' time.
Here's wishing you a happy, healthy and safe holiday weekend!
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