Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Hereby Declare Myself...No. 5

I had a thought yesterday. More than one, actually, but this one stood out because I had it while walking from office to office and I decided to use it for my post this morning.

Then I tried to decide how to frame it. I picked a word. Then, wanting to be sure of that word's appropriateness for this - would it need nuance? - I looked it up. It's another word to love and I have decided I am number 5 on that Word's list:


adjective, earthier, earthiest.
1. of the nature of or consisting of earth or soil.
2. characteristic of earth : an earthy smell.
3. realistic; practical.
4. coarse or unrefined: an earthy sense of humor.
5. direct; robust; unaffected:an earthy, generous woman.
6. (of a mineral) having a dull luster and rough to the touch.
7. Archaic. worldly; pertaining to the earth
I like that: direct, robust and unaffected. Yep, yep and yep, 100% on all counts.
Okay, now for the reason of picking that word. It's because I'm going to tread into the meadow. The one occupied for weeks by cows or sheep or goats, take your pick because as a Number 5 I am going for Number 4 this morning - coarse and unrefined (no 'or' available, sorry). I promise, though, to keep it short - get to the point and beyond quickly.
Yesterday's post, what led to it, the middle and the end, made me think: 'It'll pass.' And it did. Then I thought of my recent incident with flax. It passed, too. So I thought, 'Hm. It's a bit like constipation. Wait long enough and it'll pass.'
And it did. Painful, uncomfortable for a while there, but things worked out and all is well with the world. For the time being.
So, a quick recap and then I'll get back to giving the tour of the meadow.
What started all of this is that my words became paragraphs. I set them free into the world.
Those paragraphs caused a riot which led to someone else releasing their paragraphs, which beat up my paragraphs. My paragraphs were left bloody and bowed so they called in reinforcements.
A war was waged and... peace broke out. Terms were reached, hands were shaken (metaphorically. Really, it was an 'I'm sorry' / 'I understand' exchange.) The Respect-o-meter swung wildly for a time but then settled back in the green - near the upper end, I hope.
All that it took was time, and words, and more words and a willingness to stand up and say 'hey! wait a minute!', a meeting of the minds, discussion and a better understanding on both sides.
More than anything, though, it was the clock winding down the seconds, the passing.
They (who, according to Gary Larson in his 'Far Side' cartoon strip, are two guys who work out of a basement someplace), say that 'this too shall pass' and 'all good things come to those who wait' and all sorts of other stuff. And they're right.
If you're patient, if you wait, choose not to react and respond and create a dust storm, things pass. Sometimes, as in my situation the other day, a prod or two to wave the dust storm aside helps clear the air. That waving around set this particular situation straight. It helped the matter pass more quickly with less pain that not waving. Even if I had waited, though, it would have passed, eventually.
It's one of those things I've learned over the years. The fullness of time is remarkable because:
1) if you wait for the blockage to pass, it will; maybe soon, maybe late, but it will;
2) if you are patient and calm, what you think you need to know will be revealed, eventually, and you don't have to look like your pushy or nosy by asking or poking; and,
3) oftentimes what you think you had to know, over time, becomes meaningless, so you really didn't need to know in the first place.
I've lived through Number 1 often enough to know that it's true.
Number 2 is a work in progress. Sometimes something is said and I'm curious, and I want to know now. It used to be that I'd poke around the edges, or shove my way in and ask directly, as if it's my business. Now I almost always wait. Usually I'm rewarded with the information that I thought I had to have right now five or six or ten or thirty days ago. I survived. I didn't look like a busybody. All's well. Or, Number 2 morphs into Number 3 and it's moot.
So whatever is facing you today, whatever irritations or challenges or pain or frustration, take a deep breath. Hold it. Let it out slowly and repeat, if needed. Let time and the situation pass. After all, it's only constipation, right?
Have a lovely day!
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